Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Non Customizable Avatars in the Editor

The Esoteric Editor features a vast variety of Non customizable Avatars that can make Games more fun and fulfil the needs of many other game plots. Imagine a Game featuring a Husky or a Lion and requires the use of such Non-human Characters for the Game plot.

Non-human Characters also have a very special appeal for Teachers making games for kids as their World of fantasy and dreams can come to life in front of their eyes. A lot of games are based on fairy tales that require Characters which are non-human for the story to come true. Furthermore, the Learning experience of a child can be much more enhanced by using such Characters. For them, these Characters are part of their World and there is no better way to learn a lesson than a lesson learned from a Character they love!

Some of the Non-human Characters available in the Editor are below:

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